Our Services

Our Key Services

IntlQC provides containment services in every major supply chain. We understand how to implement and manage high-impact containment programs.

Sorting and Inspection

Our inspection services have helped suppliers to improve delivered quality, and to win additional business.

Subject matter expertise

Supply chain expertise

Tremendous resources



Our rework teams are prepared to do whatever it takes to keep assembly lines moving.



Our inspectors have experience in re-flashing using MyCanics and direct PC connections/finished vehicles or raw stock.

Building The Future, Restoring The Past

Why to choose us?

Effective in preventing escapes
Fair to the suppliers Help in solving underlying problems
Help in solving underlying problems
Fair to the suppliers

Dedicated Customer Teams & Efficient Services

Our worldwide presence ensures the timeliness, cost efficiency and compliance adherence required to ensure your production timelines are met.

Contact Us

Complete control over products allows us to ensure our customers receive the best quality prices and service. We take great pride in everything that we do in our factory.

    We will get back to you within 24 hours, or call us 313-382-6934